NOTE: Seniors in my Honor Course--Polling Projects are due exactly ONE WEEK from today on December 12th, 2006...Note Arely Infelise is heading to California next school year to study art!!!! Yes, a wonderful young woman bound for the shores of the steely blue Pacific to study art...Art is one of the truly wonderful things about being human...
Below--A little "catch-up" on the Quotes and recents Top Political News Stories
December 1, 2006
QOD: “Whatever it is. I fear the Greeks even when they bring gifts.” –Virgil
TPNS: Washington Post: In the cacophony of competing plans about how to deal with Iraq, one reality appears clear: Despite the Democrats new mandate, the idea of a rapid US troop withdrawal is not a viable option, “You think it’s a civil war now…it's nothing compared to what would happen if we left.” – Tommy Franks
December 4, 2006
“KFC is going with a more realistic look. The new colonel… 350 lbs with huge scars from triple bypass.” Jay Leno
TPNS: New study reveals fast food in children’s hospitals sends a bad-lesson to little kids. Begin to equate KFC with getting better.
December 5, 2006
QOD: We have got to have a changein Iraq. We have to have someone who will speak the truth to power & not just tell the president what he wants to hear.. We need to cut out the “Group Think” that currently exists in the White House
TPNS: Pentagon nominee Gates (not bill, but BOB) to go before Senate Committee. Remember the Constitution allows the President to appoint a person to the position of Secretary of Defense, but only with the consent of the SENATE
Below--A little "catch-up" on the Quotes and recents Top Political News Stories
December 1, 2006
QOD: “Whatever it is. I fear the Greeks even when they bring gifts.” –Virgil
TPNS: Washington Post: In the cacophony of competing plans about how to deal with Iraq, one reality appears clear: Despite the Democrats new mandate, the idea of a rapid US troop withdrawal is not a viable option, “You think it’s a civil war now…it's nothing compared to what would happen if we left.” – Tommy Franks
December 4, 2006
“KFC is going with a more realistic look. The new colonel… 350 lbs with huge scars from triple bypass.” Jay Leno
TPNS: New study reveals fast food in children’s hospitals sends a bad-lesson to little kids. Begin to equate KFC with getting better.
December 5, 2006
QOD: We have got to have a changein Iraq. We have to have someone who will speak the truth to power & not just tell the president what he wants to hear.. We need to cut out the “Group Think” that currently exists in the White House
TPNS: Pentagon nominee Gates (not bill, but BOB) to go before Senate Committee. Remember the Constitution allows the President to appoint a person to the position of Secretary of Defense, but only with the consent of the SENATE
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