McLaughlin Group: “Boy itz gettin’ hot out!”
Musings from your teacher; The topics today on the best show on TV were all about the political/economic implications of GLOBAL WARMING…of course, you are now sophisticated enough to understand that the hardcore conservatives from the oil producing states like Texas and Oklahoma, etc. [and the big oil executives] want you to believe that itz all about nature and that we, humans, have absolutely nothing to do about the super weird, extreme increases in temperatures across the planet…the fact of the matter is that it doesn’t matter whose fault it is or if itz natural or “man & woman made“ [which it is!]…the essentially fundamental point is that we need to fix the problem, like NOW…the good news is that we, I believe, can indeed still make it right and even boost our quality of life…but we cannot dawdle, we need to act NOW…The benefits of moving rapidly away from an infra-structure based on oil includes not only the obvious increase in the quality of our lives, but it will also allow us to break from the crazies, socio-paths, monarchs, small-time dictators, clerics,and freaky generals that rule the oil rich, albeit barbaric Middle East…Start reading Chapter 6: Public Opinion…
Musings from your teacher; The topics today on the best show on TV were all about the political/economic implications of GLOBAL WARMING…of course, you are now sophisticated enough to understand that the hardcore conservatives from the oil producing states like Texas and Oklahoma, etc. [and the big oil executives] want you to believe that itz all about nature and that we, humans, have absolutely nothing to do about the super weird, extreme increases in temperatures across the planet…the fact of the matter is that it doesn’t matter whose fault it is or if itz natural or “man & woman made“ [which it is!]…the essentially fundamental point is that we need to fix the problem, like NOW…the good news is that we, I believe, can indeed still make it right and even boost our quality of life…but we cannot dawdle, we need to act NOW…The benefits of moving rapidly away from an infra-structure based on oil includes not only the obvious increase in the quality of our lives, but it will also allow us to break from the crazies, socio-paths, monarchs, small-time dictators, clerics,and freaky generals that rule the oil rich, albeit barbaric Middle East…Start reading Chapter 6: Public Opinion…
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