Friday, November 17, 2006

November 15, 2006
QOD: “It is the duty of the Judicial Branch to say what the law means. Judges must interpret the law. If there is conflict the courts must decide.” J Marshall

TPNS: A Brazen daylight kidnapping of 150 people yesterday in Baghdad.
A police checkpoint was about 200 yards away…GO Figure!

November 16, 2006
QOD: “As of right now, our major problem in Iraq is not the insurgency, but out of control sectarian violence” General Abizaid (Head of US Military Central Command)

TPNS: Student transfer law in Minnesota is to change so no student can participate in varsity activities the whole year, if the transfer more than once a year.

November 17, 2006
QOD: "American government has increasingly become a 'bureaucratic democracy'; that is, democratic decision making takes place more and more in bureacratic settings." Stephen Percy [Political Scientist @ University of Wisconsin].

TPNS: Well, the midterm election results are barely in the books, and Rudy Giuliani is already running for president. The former New York City mayor and undisputed hero of Sept will in my view have problems trying to get elected Prez. He has too many skeletons in his to speak

Next week: Monday--Mclaughlin & then on to PUBLIC OPINION!!!!