QOD: "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." MLK
TPNS: Are we on the brink of a major policy shift re: Iraq? The talk now is on "multi-lateral" inclusive attempts at drawing in Iran, Syria, Jordan, etc into a plan for peace and reconstuction in Iraq...
Terms to know for the Thursday's test: You will need to prepare for this test
"Quit pretendin' & start contendin'..." Take charge of your studies...
“benchmarks versus timelines”
“Itz not a Civil War”
“militias, warlords, & common criminals”
“sectarian violence” defined
“Three state solution”
1st amendment, first of speech, & the clear and present danger test
Afghanistan= tribalism
al Qaeda
Bill of Rights and the role that the 14th amendment plays in expanding these ‘rights”
Bremer plan
Bush Doctrine: Spreading democracy throughout the world…plus an offensive strategy in fighting terrorism. Fight the terrorists on their land, not in the USA.
Checks and balances [examples of…]
Civil liberties—defined
Congress = Senate [2 for each state or 100] and House of Representatives [435 total; MN has 8 in the House]= Victory for Dems…
Conservativism on the loosing team
Eighth Amendment defined and understood
Establishment clause defined
Exclusionary rule and the 4th amendment
Fifth Amendment defined and understood
First Amendment defined and understood
Flag burning = whatz the Supreme Court hold on this issue [Texas v. Johnson]
Fledging Democracies
Fourth Amendment defined and understood
Free exercise clause and school prayer guidelines or standards
General Musharraf; President of Pakistan
Geneva Convention
Gideon v. Wainwright understood in the context of the 4th Amendment and 14th Amendment
Global jihadists
Global warming: “An inconvenient truth?”
Governor of MN
Guidelines regarding the use of the 1st amendment right of freedom of assembly and the “imminent lawless action test.”
Heresay—inadmissible in most situations
House of Representatives
Iraq: Sunnis versus Shiites
Iraqi Study group—the pragmatists
Judiciary [i.e. Courts] most important branch in terms of impact on civil liberties
Kerry’s botched “joke”
Libel and slander defined whatz the test to win the case for the govt.
Miranda understood
Moderate win
Moderates and/or centralists
Neo-Cons on the way out?
NO ABSOLUTES when it comes to the 1st Amendment
North Korea and DA BOMB
North Korea and nukes
Northern Iraq: Kurds
Notion of Gridlock
Notion of selective incorporation
Obscenity defined and the nebulous standard
OPEC in the news..
Prior restraint as a legal term—usually associated with freedom on the press…
Prior restraint on the press understood
Progressive Reforms-see book
Public opinion re: civil liberties = abstract positive notions. Disconnect between reality and theory
Rationale behind the formation of the CIA
Roe v. Wade, and the 9th amendment
Rumsfeld out…Gates in
Rumsfeld’s resignation as a ticket to play in the new game
Saddam Hussein
Schenk v. USA = restrictions on speech during times of war…
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
Senators from MN
Sixth Amendment understood
Summary of amendments: 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, & 9th
Sunni Triangle
US Constitution
USA Patriot Act [post 9/11/01]
Veto [override a veto]
Vice president Richard Cheney
War on Terror
Who rules the House of Representatives
Who rules the Senate
Zone of privacy & the 9th amendment
TPNS: Are we on the brink of a major policy shift re: Iraq? The talk now is on "multi-lateral" inclusive attempts at drawing in Iran, Syria, Jordan, etc into a plan for peace and reconstuction in Iraq...
Terms to know for the Thursday's test: You will need to prepare for this test
"Quit pretendin' & start contendin'..." Take charge of your studies...
“benchmarks versus timelines”
“Itz not a Civil War”
“militias, warlords, & common criminals”
“sectarian violence” defined
“Three state solution”
1st amendment, first of speech, & the clear and present danger test
Afghanistan= tribalism
al Qaeda
Bill of Rights and the role that the 14th amendment plays in expanding these ‘rights”
Bremer plan
Bush Doctrine: Spreading democracy throughout the world…plus an offensive strategy in fighting terrorism. Fight the terrorists on their land, not in the USA.
Checks and balances [examples of…]
Civil liberties—defined
Congress = Senate [2 for each state or 100] and House of Representatives [435 total; MN has 8 in the House]= Victory for Dems…
Conservativism on the loosing team
Eighth Amendment defined and understood
Establishment clause defined
Exclusionary rule and the 4th amendment
Fifth Amendment defined and understood
First Amendment defined and understood
Flag burning = whatz the Supreme Court hold on this issue [Texas v. Johnson]
Fledging Democracies
Fourth Amendment defined and understood
Free exercise clause and school prayer guidelines or standards
General Musharraf; President of Pakistan
Geneva Convention
Gideon v. Wainwright understood in the context of the 4th Amendment and 14th Amendment
Global jihadists
Global warming: “An inconvenient truth?”
Governor of MN
Guidelines regarding the use of the 1st amendment right of freedom of assembly and the “imminent lawless action test.”
Heresay—inadmissible in most situations
House of Representatives
Iraq: Sunnis versus Shiites
Iraqi Study group—the pragmatists
Judiciary [i.e. Courts] most important branch in terms of impact on civil liberties
Kerry’s botched “joke”
Libel and slander defined whatz the test to win the case for the govt.
Miranda understood
Moderate win
Moderates and/or centralists
Neo-Cons on the way out?
NO ABSOLUTES when it comes to the 1st Amendment
North Korea and DA BOMB
North Korea and nukes
Northern Iraq: Kurds
Notion of Gridlock
Notion of selective incorporation
Obscenity defined and the nebulous standard
OPEC in the news..
Prior restraint as a legal term—usually associated with freedom on the press…
Prior restraint on the press understood
Progressive Reforms-see book
Public opinion re: civil liberties = abstract positive notions. Disconnect between reality and theory
Rationale behind the formation of the CIA
Roe v. Wade, and the 9th amendment
Rumsfeld out…Gates in
Rumsfeld’s resignation as a ticket to play in the new game
Saddam Hussein
Schenk v. USA = restrictions on speech during times of war…
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
Senators from MN
Sixth Amendment understood
Summary of amendments: 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, & 9th
Sunni Triangle
US Constitution
USA Patriot Act [post 9/11/01]
Veto [override a veto]
Vice president Richard Cheney
War on Terror
Who rules the House of Representatives
Who rules the Senate
Zone of privacy & the 9th amendment
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