Tuesday, November 14, 2006

QOD: "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." MLK
TPNS: Are we on the brink of a major policy shift re: Iraq? The talk now is on "multi-lateral" inclusive attempts at drawing in Iran, Syria, Jordan, etc into a plan for peace and reconstuction in Iraq...

Terms to know for the Thursday's test: You will need to prepare for this test
"Quit pretendin' & start contendin'..." Take charge of your studies...

 “benchmarks versus timelines”
 “insurgency”
 “Itz not a Civil War”
 “militias, warlords, & common criminals”
 “sectarian violence” defined
 “Three state solution”
 1st amendment, first of speech, & the clear and present danger test
 Afghanistan= tribalism
 al Qaeda
 Bill of Rights and the role that the 14th amendment plays in expanding these ‘rights”
 Bremer plan
 Bush Doctrine: Spreading democracy throughout the world…plus an offensive strategy in fighting terrorism. Fight the terrorists on their land, not in the USA.
 Checks and balances [examples of…]
 Civil liberties—defined
 Congress = Senate [2 for each state or 100] and House of Representatives [435 total; MN has 8 in the House]= Victory for Dems…
 Conservativism on the loosing team
 Eighth Amendment defined and understood
 Establishment clause defined
 Exclusionary rule and the 4th amendment
 Fifth Amendment defined and understood
 First Amendment defined and understood
 Flag burning = whatz the Supreme Court hold on this issue [Texas v. Johnson]
 Fledging Democracies
 Fourth Amendment defined and understood
 Free exercise clause and school prayer guidelines or standards
 General Musharraf; President of Pakistan
 Geneva Convention
 Gideon v. Wainwright understood in the context of the 4th Amendment and 14th Amendment
 Global jihadists
 Global warming: “An inconvenient truth?”
 Governor of MN
 Guidelines regarding the use of the 1st amendment right of freedom of assembly and the “imminent lawless action test.”
 Heresay—inadmissible in most situations
 House of Representatives
 Iraq: Sunnis versus Shiites
 Iraqi Study group—the pragmatists
 Islamofascism
 Jihad
 Judiciary [i.e. Courts] most important branch in terms of impact on civil liberties
 Kerry’s botched “joke”
 Libel and slander defined whatz the test to win the case for the govt.
 Miranda understood
 Moderate win
 Moderates and/or centralists
 Neo-Cons on the way out?
 NO ABSOLUTES when it comes to the 1st Amendment
 North Korea and DA BOMB
 North Korea and nukes
 Northern Iraq: Kurds
 Notion of Gridlock
 Notion of selective incorporation
 Obscenity defined and the nebulous standard
 OPEC in the news..
 Prior restraint as a legal term—usually associated with freedom on the press…
 Prior restraint on the press understood
 Progressive Reforms-see book
 Public opinion re: civil liberties = abstract positive notions. Disconnect between reality and theory
 Rationale behind the formation of the CIA
 Republic
 Republic
 Roe v. Wade, and the 9th amendment
 Rumsfeld out…Gates in
 Rumsfeld’s resignation as a ticket to play in the new game
 Saddam Hussein
 Schenk v. USA = restrictions on speech during times of war…
 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
 Senate
 Senators from MN
 Sixth Amendment understood
 Summary of amendments: 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, & 9th
 Sunni Triangle
 Taliban
 US Constitution
 USA Patriot Act [post 9/11/01]
 Veto [override a veto]
 Vice president Richard Cheney
 War on Terror
 Who rules the House of Representatives
 Who rules the Senate
 Zone of privacy & the 9th amendment