Monday, December 25, 2006
Christmas Day, 2006TPNS: From Reuters:
VATICAN CITY - Mankind, which has reached other planets and unraveled many of nature’s secrets, should not presume it can live without God, Pope Benedict XVI said in his Christmas message on Monday.
In an age of unbridled consumerism it was shameful many remained deaf to the “heart-rending cry” of those dying of hunger, thirst, disease, poverty, war and terrorism, he said.
“Does a ‘Savior’ still have any value and meaning for the men and women of the third millennium?” he asked in his Urbi et Orbi (to the city and the world) message to the faithful in St Peter’s Square.
TOP STORIES OF 2006 [from the Boston Globe]
Here are 2006's top 10 stories as chosen by US editors and news directors in the Associated Press's annual vote:
1. Iraq: The war deteriorated into a dismayingly complex and savage struggle, with Iraqis by the thousands killed in sectarian reprisal attacks and the US military's death toll nearing 3,000.
2. US elections Unhappiness with events in Iraq was one of the driving forces behind the Democrats' surge in the Nov. 7 election. They took over the House with a large majority and gained a narrow edge in the Senate .
3. Nuclear standoffs The United States and its allies were frustrated in their efforts to rein in nuclear programs in North Korea and Iran.
4. Illegal immigration Congress tried to confront the influx of illegal immigrants from Latin America, but the effort collapsed amid deep divisions over whether to stress a crackdown or include provisions to help some illegal immigrants work toward citizenship.
5. Scandals in Congress Several GOP lawmakers were brought down by scandals: Mark Foley, Randy Cunningham, Tom DeLay, and Bob Ney.
6. Hussein trial Saddam Hussein was convicted in the slaying of 148 Shi'ite Muslims and was sentenced to death by hanging.
7. Mideast Israel and the Lebanon-based Hezbollah militia fought a monthlong war in the summer; more than 900 people were killed.
7. Rumsfeld A day after the midterm elections, President Bush announced the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.
9. Airliner plot British authorities said they narrowly thwarted a terrorist plot to bomb several jets over the Atlantic.
10. Darfur Violence worsened in Sudan's Darfur region, where the fighting between rebels and government forces has killed more than 200,000 people.
VATICAN CITY - Mankind, which has reached other planets and unraveled many of nature’s secrets, should not presume it can live without God, Pope Benedict XVI said in his Christmas message on Monday.
In an age of unbridled consumerism it was shameful many remained deaf to the “heart-rending cry” of those dying of hunger, thirst, disease, poverty, war and terrorism, he said.
“Does a ‘Savior’ still have any value and meaning for the men and women of the third millennium?” he asked in his Urbi et Orbi (to the city and the world) message to the faithful in St Peter’s Square.
TOP STORIES OF 2006 [from the Boston Globe]
Here are 2006's top 10 stories as chosen by US editors and news directors in the Associated Press's annual vote:
1. Iraq: The war deteriorated into a dismayingly complex and savage struggle, with Iraqis by the thousands killed in sectarian reprisal attacks and the US military's death toll nearing 3,000.
2. US elections Unhappiness with events in Iraq was one of the driving forces behind the Democrats' surge in the Nov. 7 election. They took over the House with a large majority and gained a narrow edge in the Senate .
3. Nuclear standoffs The United States and its allies were frustrated in their efforts to rein in nuclear programs in North Korea and Iran.
4. Illegal immigration Congress tried to confront the influx of illegal immigrants from Latin America, but the effort collapsed amid deep divisions over whether to stress a crackdown or include provisions to help some illegal immigrants work toward citizenship.
5. Scandals in Congress Several GOP lawmakers were brought down by scandals: Mark Foley, Randy Cunningham, Tom DeLay, and Bob Ney.
6. Hussein trial Saddam Hussein was convicted in the slaying of 148 Shi'ite Muslims and was sentenced to death by hanging.
7. Mideast Israel and the Lebanon-based Hezbollah militia fought a monthlong war in the summer; more than 900 people were killed.
7. Rumsfeld A day after the midterm elections, President Bush announced the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.
9. Airliner plot British authorities said they narrowly thwarted a terrorist plot to bomb several jets over the Atlantic.
10. Darfur Violence worsened in Sudan's Darfur region, where the fighting between rebels and government forces has killed more than 200,000 people.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
December 24, 2006
I hope all is well...Santa's those that have been nice, not to those that have been President Ahmadinejad need not apply!
TPNS: TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran condemned a U.N. sanctions resolution as "a piece of torn paper" that would not scare Tehran and vowed on Sunday to accelerate uranium enrichment work immediately.
The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously on Saturday to impose sanctions on Iran's trade in sensitive nuclear materials and technology, in an attempt to stop uranium enrichment work that could produce material to be used in bombs.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said those who backed the U.N. resolution, drawn up by Britain, France and Germany but supported unanimously by the Security Council, would soon regret their "superficial act".
I hope all is well...Santa's those that have been nice, not to those that have been President Ahmadinejad need not apply!
TPNS: TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran condemned a U.N. sanctions resolution as "a piece of torn paper" that would not scare Tehran and vowed on Sunday to accelerate uranium enrichment work immediately.
The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously on Saturday to impose sanctions on Iran's trade in sensitive nuclear materials and technology, in an attempt to stop uranium enrichment work that could produce material to be used in bombs.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said those who backed the U.N. resolution, drawn up by Britain, France and Germany but supported unanimously by the Security Council, would soon regret their "superficial act".
Friday, December 22, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
December 18, 2006
Musings from cpf regarding top political issues discussed on today’s McLaughlin Group: Issue #1 General Odom’s view that the initial strategy of war in Iraq was flawed, therefore the tactics used to follow out the strategy is also flawed…leading to a recipe for defeat [Semantics matter...add to your political lexicon]. The group engaged in an interesting discussion about history and whether or not a commander can change strategies midway through a war…References to Sparta, etc...good stuff.
Issue #2 BarackStar…commentary on the politics of the 2008 presidential elections. Does the charismatic junior Senator from Illinois have a chance? Would he consider being Hillary’s Vice president? The prevailing view among the group is that he would not run with Hillary.
Issue #3 War on Christmas…happy holidays versus Merry Christmas…separation of church and state…seems like a silly issue to me, like a lot of media hype…the real meaning of Christmas has lost it’s significance long ago. Now its all about consumption, but that’s just me…
Musings from cpf regarding top political issues discussed on today’s McLaughlin Group: Issue #1 General Odom’s view that the initial strategy of war in Iraq was flawed, therefore the tactics used to follow out the strategy is also flawed…leading to a recipe for defeat [Semantics matter...add to your political lexicon]. The group engaged in an interesting discussion about history and whether or not a commander can change strategies midway through a war…References to Sparta, etc...good stuff.
Issue #2 BarackStar…commentary on the politics of the 2008 presidential elections. Does the charismatic junior Senator from Illinois have a chance? Would he consider being Hillary’s Vice president? The prevailing view among the group is that he would not run with Hillary.
Issue #3 War on Christmas…happy holidays versus Merry Christmas…separation of church and state…seems like a silly issue to me, like a lot of media hype…the real meaning of Christmas has lost it’s significance long ago. Now its all about consumption, but that’s just me…
Use this list of Core Values of American Constitutional Democracy to start your Emerging Political Ideology [EPI]
Note: Core democratic values are the fundamental beliefs and constitutional principles of American society which unite all Americans. These values are expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution and other significant documents, speeches, and writings of the nation. Below is definition of some core democratic values.
Core Political Values:
Life: The individual's right to life should be considered inviolable except in certain highly restricted and extreme circumstances, such as the use of deadly force to protect one's own or others' lives.
Liberty The right to liberty is considered an unalterable aspect of the human condition. Central to this idea of liberty is the understanding that the political or personal obligations of parents or ancestors cannot be legitimately forced on people. The right to liberty includes personal freedom: the private realm in which the individual is free to act, to think and to believe, and which the government cannot legitimately invade; political freedom: the right to participate freely in the political process, choose and remove public officials, to be governed under a rule of law; the right to a free flow of information and ideas, open debate and right of assembly; and economic freedom: the right to acquire, use, transfer and dispose of private property without unreasonable governmental interference; the right to seek employment wherever one pleases; to change employment at will; and to engage in any lawful economic activity.
The Pursuit of Happiness It is the right of citizens in the American constitutional democracy to attempt to attain--to "pursue"--happiness in their own way, so long as they do not infringe upon rights of others.
Common Good The public or common good requires that individual citizens have the commitment and motivation--that they accept their obligation--to promote the welfare of the community and to work together with other members for the greater benefit of all.
Justice People should be treated fairly in the distribution of the benefits and burdens of society, the correction of wrongs and injuries, and in the gathering of information and making of decisions.
Diversity Variety in culture and ethnic background, race, lifestyle, and belief is not only permissible but desirable and beneficial in a pluralist society.
Truth Citizens can legitimately demand that truth-telling as refraining from Iying and full disclosure by government be the rule, since trust in the veracity of government constitutes an essential element of the bond between governors and governed.
Below are some basic political attitudes that draw from our collective Political Core Values
Popular Sovereignty The citizenry is collectively the sovereign of the state and holds ultimate authority over public officials and their policies.
Patriotism Virtuous citizens display a devotion to their country, including devotion to the fundamental values and principles upon which it depends.
Rule of Law Both government and the governed should be subject to the law.
Separation of Powers Legislative, executive, and judicial powers should be exercised by different institutions in order to maintain the limitations placed upon them.
Representative Government The republican form of government established under the Constitution is one in which citizens elect others to represent their interests.
Checks and Balances The powers given to the different branches of government should be balanced, that is roughly equal, so that no branch can completely dominate the others. Branches of government are also given powers to check the power of other branches.
Individual Rights Fundamental to American constitutional democracy is the belief that individuals have certain basic rights that are not created by government but which government should protect. These are the right to life, liberty, economic freedom, and the "pursuit of happiness." It is the purpose of government to protect these rights, and it may not place unfair or unreasonable restraints on their exercise. Many of these rights are enumerated in the Bill of Rights.
Freedom of Religion There shall be full freedom of conscience for people of all faiths or none. Religious liberty is considered to be a natural inalienable right that must always be beyond the power of the state to confer or remove. Religious liberty includes the right to freely practice any religion or no religion without governmental coercion or control.
Federalism Power is shared between two sets of governmental institutions, those of the states and those of the central or federal authorities, as stipulated by the Constitution.
Civilian Control of the Military Civilian authority should control the military in order to preserve constitutional government.
December 18, 2006
QOD: “I won’t say that we are winning in Iraq, but we are not losing, and I will say that this is the greatest challenge we have faced in recent memory.” Robert Gates – Secretary of Defense
TPNS: Former head of the CIA, set to take over at the Pentagon. Challenges include: Iraq, Afghanistan, & higher recruiting, higher money for new high tech weapons, and what to do about an ever increasing global militancy…
Note: Core democratic values are the fundamental beliefs and constitutional principles of American society which unite all Americans. These values are expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution and other significant documents, speeches, and writings of the nation. Below is definition of some core democratic values.
Core Political Values:
Life: The individual's right to life should be considered inviolable except in certain highly restricted and extreme circumstances, such as the use of deadly force to protect one's own or others' lives.
Liberty The right to liberty is considered an unalterable aspect of the human condition. Central to this idea of liberty is the understanding that the political or personal obligations of parents or ancestors cannot be legitimately forced on people. The right to liberty includes personal freedom: the private realm in which the individual is free to act, to think and to believe, and which the government cannot legitimately invade; political freedom: the right to participate freely in the political process, choose and remove public officials, to be governed under a rule of law; the right to a free flow of information and ideas, open debate and right of assembly; and economic freedom: the right to acquire, use, transfer and dispose of private property without unreasonable governmental interference; the right to seek employment wherever one pleases; to change employment at will; and to engage in any lawful economic activity.
The Pursuit of Happiness It is the right of citizens in the American constitutional democracy to attempt to attain--to "pursue"--happiness in their own way, so long as they do not infringe upon rights of others.
Common Good The public or common good requires that individual citizens have the commitment and motivation--that they accept their obligation--to promote the welfare of the community and to work together with other members for the greater benefit of all.
Justice People should be treated fairly in the distribution of the benefits and burdens of society, the correction of wrongs and injuries, and in the gathering of information and making of decisions.
Diversity Variety in culture and ethnic background, race, lifestyle, and belief is not only permissible but desirable and beneficial in a pluralist society.
Truth Citizens can legitimately demand that truth-telling as refraining from Iying and full disclosure by government be the rule, since trust in the veracity of government constitutes an essential element of the bond between governors and governed.
Below are some basic political attitudes that draw from our collective Political Core Values
Popular Sovereignty The citizenry is collectively the sovereign of the state and holds ultimate authority over public officials and their policies.
Patriotism Virtuous citizens display a devotion to their country, including devotion to the fundamental values and principles upon which it depends.
Rule of Law Both government and the governed should be subject to the law.
Separation of Powers Legislative, executive, and judicial powers should be exercised by different institutions in order to maintain the limitations placed upon them.
Representative Government The republican form of government established under the Constitution is one in which citizens elect others to represent their interests.
Checks and Balances The powers given to the different branches of government should be balanced, that is roughly equal, so that no branch can completely dominate the others. Branches of government are also given powers to check the power of other branches.
Individual Rights Fundamental to American constitutional democracy is the belief that individuals have certain basic rights that are not created by government but which government should protect. These are the right to life, liberty, economic freedom, and the "pursuit of happiness." It is the purpose of government to protect these rights, and it may not place unfair or unreasonable restraints on their exercise. Many of these rights are enumerated in the Bill of Rights.
Freedom of Religion There shall be full freedom of conscience for people of all faiths or none. Religious liberty is considered to be a natural inalienable right that must always be beyond the power of the state to confer or remove. Religious liberty includes the right to freely practice any religion or no religion without governmental coercion or control.
Federalism Power is shared between two sets of governmental institutions, those of the states and those of the central or federal authorities, as stipulated by the Constitution.
Civilian Control of the Military Civilian authority should control the military in order to preserve constitutional government.
December 18, 2006
QOD: “I won’t say that we are winning in Iraq, but we are not losing, and I will say that this is the greatest challenge we have faced in recent memory.” Robert Gates – Secretary of Defense
TPNS: Former head of the CIA, set to take over at the Pentagon. Challenges include: Iraq, Afghanistan, & higher recruiting, higher money for new high tech weapons, and what to do about an ever increasing global militancy…
Friday, December 15, 2006
Memo: The Creation of your Emerging Political Ideology
From: cpf
To: Farrow’s class of radically conservative politically motivated liberally minded students—December 17, 2006
Due date: January 17, 2007
Introduction: Basically you are being afforded the opportunity to create your own political manifesto [note: for some of you, perhaps the majority of you guys, this may very well be the only time in your life where you will be given this kind of opportunity, carpe diem!]. There are many famous (and infamous) political manifestos, like Thomas Aquinas’ classic work on Just War Doctrine, John Locke's work on Civil Rights and Hitler’s ominously sick, albeit prophetic Mein Kampf, that have been written throughout history. May be your work will one day join this elite group…Basically the work should include three segments, plus introductory and concluding paragraphs. The idea is to start with a review of one’s basic core-values, then transition into how these core-values have influenced ones fundamental notions about the role of government regarding four basic areas—War, Education, Civil Liberties, and Equality. In your writing make sure and use the political lexicon that you have developed over the last few months.
In the first segment, you will comment on your three basic core values and how the 4 E’s have influenced the development and refinement of those core values. In the second segment, you build or extend the breadth of your work by addressing how these three core-values have influenced your broad political attitudes towards 1.)WAR, under what circumstances should we commit to war; 2.) EDUCATION & the role government should play in our formalized education; 3.) Civil Liberties versus homeland Security; and 4.) Equality of Outcome versus Equality of Opportunity and the role government should play in equality. Finally in the third segment, having built up a core political ideology or guidepost in second segment, apply this “emerging political ideology” to the following four Top political news stories: 1.) The War in Iraq; 2.) Government’s role in dealing with Global Warming; 3.) US Government’s role in providing affordable health care; 4.) Our roles and responsibilities as the world leader.
Note: We will go over this visionary opportunity next week on Monday and Tuesday
From: cpf
To: Farrow’s class of radically conservative politically motivated liberally minded students—December 17, 2006
Due date: January 17, 2007
Introduction: Basically you are being afforded the opportunity to create your own political manifesto [note: for some of you, perhaps the majority of you guys, this may very well be the only time in your life where you will be given this kind of opportunity, carpe diem!]. There are many famous (and infamous) political manifestos, like Thomas Aquinas’ classic work on Just War Doctrine, John Locke's work on Civil Rights and Hitler’s ominously sick, albeit prophetic Mein Kampf, that have been written throughout history. May be your work will one day join this elite group…Basically the work should include three segments, plus introductory and concluding paragraphs. The idea is to start with a review of one’s basic core-values, then transition into how these core-values have influenced ones fundamental notions about the role of government regarding four basic areas—War, Education, Civil Liberties, and Equality. In your writing make sure and use the political lexicon that you have developed over the last few months.
In the first segment, you will comment on your three basic core values and how the 4 E’s have influenced the development and refinement of those core values. In the second segment, you build or extend the breadth of your work by addressing how these three core-values have influenced your broad political attitudes towards 1.)WAR, under what circumstances should we commit to war; 2.) EDUCATION & the role government should play in our formalized education; 3.) Civil Liberties versus homeland Security; and 4.) Equality of Outcome versus Equality of Opportunity and the role government should play in equality. Finally in the third segment, having built up a core political ideology or guidepost in second segment, apply this “emerging political ideology” to the following four Top political news stories: 1.) The War in Iraq; 2.) Government’s role in dealing with Global Warming; 3.) US Government’s role in providing affordable health care; 4.) Our roles and responsibilities as the world leader.
Note: We will go over this visionary opportunity next week on Monday and Tuesday
December 15, 2006
QOD: “The Fog of War?- as soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy—that is what I mean by ‘The Fog of War’.”
TPNS: Texas Bill would allow blind hunters using hi-tech lasers…” The blind should be able to experience the thrill of the kill just like everybody else in Texas.
QOD: “The Fog of War?- as soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy—that is what I mean by ‘The Fog of War’.”
TPNS: Texas Bill would allow blind hunters using hi-tech lasers…” The blind should be able to experience the thrill of the kill just like everybody else in Texas.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
December 12, 2006
QOD: Lessons 1,2,3 Empathize with your enemy; rationality will not save us; There’s something beyond one’s self.” Robert Strange Mcnamara
TPNS: Conference in Iran on Holocaust begins… Attendees mostly deny Nazis Killed 6 million Jews.. The President of Iran endorses the conference… A new low for the Iranian Govt...
December 13, 2006
QOD: To introduce into the philosophy of war a principle of moderation would be an absurdity- War is an act of violence pushed to its utmost bounds.” Clausewitz on War
TPNS: High intensity, yet low stability = a breeding ground for uncertainty.. last week experts called for troop reactions, while this week experts call for increases in troops levels.
December 14, 2006
QOD: Lessons 4,5,6, and 7: Maximize efficiency; Proportionality should be a guideline in War (Just War Doctrine); Get the Data; Belief and seeing are both often wrong” Robert Strange Mcnamara
TPNS: S.D. Senator Johnson is in Critical condition. Could throw off the Democrats slim majority in the Senate...US Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota was critically ill but stable on Thursday after brain surgery for a potentially deadly bleeding that could deprive his fellow Democrats of their razor-thin hold on the new Senate.
McNamara's Eleven Lessons [know these and the examples that he uses to make his points]
Lesson 1—Empathize with your enemy [Cuban missile crisis]
Lesson 2—Rationality will not save us [Castro, Kruschev, Kennedy]
Lesson 3—There’s something beyond one’s self [leaving Ford, to serve in the JFK Administration]
Lesson 4—Maximize efficiency [Bombing in WWII]
Lesson 5—Proportionality should be a guideline in war [the fire bombing of Tokyo, etc.]
Lesson 6—Get the data [seatbelts at Ford]
Lesson 7—Belief and seeing are both often wrong [the Gulf of Tonkin "incident"]
Lesson 8—Be prepared to reexamine your reasoning [Metacognition--the mistakes made in Vietnam]
Lesson 9—In order to do good, you may have to engage in evil [the destruction of Japan and Germany]
Lesson 10—Never say never [that is just plain old wisdom]
Lesson 11—You can’t change human nature [Is War just part of the game? Part of the human experience?]
QOD: Lessons 1,2,3 Empathize with your enemy; rationality will not save us; There’s something beyond one’s self.” Robert Strange Mcnamara
TPNS: Conference in Iran on Holocaust begins… Attendees mostly deny Nazis Killed 6 million Jews.. The President of Iran endorses the conference… A new low for the Iranian Govt...
December 13, 2006
QOD: To introduce into the philosophy of war a principle of moderation would be an absurdity- War is an act of violence pushed to its utmost bounds.” Clausewitz on War
TPNS: High intensity, yet low stability = a breeding ground for uncertainty.. last week experts called for troop reactions, while this week experts call for increases in troops levels.
December 14, 2006
QOD: Lessons 4,5,6, and 7: Maximize efficiency; Proportionality should be a guideline in War (Just War Doctrine); Get the Data; Belief and seeing are both often wrong” Robert Strange Mcnamara
TPNS: S.D. Senator Johnson is in Critical condition. Could throw off the Democrats slim majority in the Senate...US Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota was critically ill but stable on Thursday after brain surgery for a potentially deadly bleeding that could deprive his fellow Democrats of their razor-thin hold on the new Senate.
McNamara's Eleven Lessons [know these and the examples that he uses to make his points]
Lesson 1—Empathize with your enemy [Cuban missile crisis]
Lesson 2—Rationality will not save us [Castro, Kruschev, Kennedy]
Lesson 3—There’s something beyond one’s self [leaving Ford, to serve in the JFK Administration]
Lesson 4—Maximize efficiency [Bombing in WWII]
Lesson 5—Proportionality should be a guideline in war [the fire bombing of Tokyo, etc.]
Lesson 6—Get the data [seatbelts at Ford]
Lesson 7—Belief and seeing are both often wrong [the Gulf of Tonkin "incident"]
Lesson 8—Be prepared to reexamine your reasoning [Metacognition--the mistakes made in Vietnam]
Lesson 9—In order to do good, you may have to engage in evil [the destruction of Japan and Germany]
Lesson 10—Never say never [that is just plain old wisdom]
Lesson 11—You can’t change human nature [Is War just part of the game? Part of the human experience?]
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
December 12, 2006
Late breaking news from Reuters: More than half of the respondents, or 55 percent, in a USA Today/Gallup poll said they want most U.S. troops withdrawn within a year, but only 18 percent believe that will happen.
An ABC News poll found seven in 10 Americans disapproved of Bush's handling of Iraq and 61 percent said the war there was not worth fighting.
In the USA Today/Gallup survey, three out of four of those polled said they supported the three major recommendations made by the panel: direct talks with Iran and Syria, withdrawing most U.S. combat troops by March 2008 and a new push aimed at resolving the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
Interesting information...start finishing up those polling projects!!!Or prepare for Thursday's exams on Public Opinion and aspects of The Tipping Point
Late breaking news from Reuters: More than half of the respondents, or 55 percent, in a USA Today/Gallup poll said they want most U.S. troops withdrawn within a year, but only 18 percent believe that will happen.
An ABC News poll found seven in 10 Americans disapproved of Bush's handling of Iraq and 61 percent said the war there was not worth fighting.
In the USA Today/Gallup survey, three out of four of those polled said they supported the three major recommendations made by the panel: direct talks with Iran and Syria, withdrawing most U.S. combat troops by March 2008 and a new push aimed at resolving the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
Interesting information...start finishing up those polling projects!!!Or prepare for Thursday's exams on Public Opinion and aspects of The Tipping Point
Monday, December 11, 2006
December 11, 2006...check back tomorrow for today's QOD & TPNS
To me it makes perfect sense that President Bush is hesitate to develop a "dialogue" with the highline below--
All Things Considered,from National Public Radio, December 11, 2006 · Iran is hosting a two-day conference that brings together Holocaust deniers and foes of Israel from around the world. [They are a bunch of crazies!!!!]
Get going on that polling project...if you have not started, it may be too late...
To me it makes perfect sense that President Bush is hesitate to develop a "dialogue" with the highline below--
All Things Considered,from National Public Radio, December 11, 2006 · Iran is hosting a two-day conference that brings together Holocaust deniers and foes of Israel from around the world. [They are a bunch of crazies!!!!]
Get going on that polling project...if you have not started, it may be too late...
Sunday, December 10, 2006
TPNS [Sunday edition]Bush says report shares his primary vision for Iraq
By Paul Richter, Times Staff Writer
December 10, 2006
NOTE: At this point in your political "evolution" you should have a clear understanding of the following article. Regarding, especially noteworthy terms, I took the liberity to BOLD...READ and Understand...this is a well crafted, objective view, in my subjective opinion...:)
WASHINGTON — Although the bipartisan commission on Iraq endorsed actions that the White House firmly opposed, President Bush said Saturday that the panel's report shared his chief goal for the country.
Bush, trying to shift his course on the war in a way that will win public backing [An attempt to change public opinion, the public holds a high degree of "intensity" on this issue, but is also confused...which translates into a low egree of "stability" Distribution seems to favor a major shift in policy re: Iraq, but there does not seem to be a consensus among the public about what the best course of action is at this point in the war], said in his weekly radio address that the Iraq Study Group "explicitly endorses the strategic goal we've set in Iraq: an Iraq that can 'govern itself, sustain itself and defend itself.' "
Some conservatives have attacked the report as defeatist. But Bush said the bipartisan panel also shared his concern that a quick U.S. departure could ignite more violence across the region. "The Iraq Study Group understands the urgency of getting it right in Iraq," he said.
The release of the report Wednesday has amplified criticism of the administration's policies and lent new momentum to calls for U.S. withdrawal from Iraq. Bush is now scrambling to develop an alternate course that aides say is likely to contain some features of the panel's report while maintaining many of the current U.S. commitments for the indefinite future.
The president said the two parties should seek a bipartisan consensus on Iraq policy, and sought to portray himself as in step with many of the fundamental messages produced by the commission's five Democrats and five Republicans.
Though the report described the situation in Iraq in far more dire terms than he or his chief aides have used, Bush said it "provides a straightforward picture of the grave situation we face in Iraq." He said he agreed with the panel's findings that the goal should be "an Iraq with a broadly representative government that maintains its territorial integrity [Which means no "three-state solution], is at peace with its neighbors, denies terrorism a sanctuary and doesn't brutalize its own people."
He cited its language that, "given the current situation in Iraq, achieving this goal will require much time and will depend primarily on the actions of the Iraqi people." Bush also highlighted the report's warning that a precipitate withdrawal would "almost certainly produce greater sectarian violence" and lead to "a significant power vacuum, greater human suffering, regional destabilization and a threat to the global economy."
Bush noted that he would hold highly visible meetings this week as he formulates a new approach that may be announced as early as next week. On Monday, Bush is to meet with academic and policy experts on Iraq, and hold a videoconference with military commanders.
Bush said he was confident that "we can move beyond our political differences and come together to achieve that victory." [An Olive Branch?]
He did not mention any differences in view between himself and the panel, which recommended withdrawal of nearly all 15 U.S. combat brigades by early 2008 and called for diplomatic initiatives with Iran and Syria.
But in a response to the radio address, the Democratic incoming chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said the group's report required an immediate shift of direction in Iraq.
Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-Texas) said the report "confirms what most of us have known for some time — that President Bush's policy of stay the course is not working. We need a new approach." He said the panel's report followed what some Democrats have been urging for months — shifting U.S. troops from combat to advisory roles.
Sen. Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, the incoming Senate Democratic whip, noted that at a meeting with lawmakers Friday, Bush didn't endorse the panel's findings. Durbin said that led him to question whether Bush would support the conclusions.
In Bahrain on Saturday, Iran's foreign minister addressed the report's recommendation for U.S.-Iranian talks by saying Tehran would take part only if the United States first announced a troop withdrawal.
"The first and most essential step … is the United States announce they have decided to withdraw from Iraq," Manouchehr Mottaki told reporters at a security conference.
He said that if the United States declared plans to do so, "Iran is ready to help the administration to withdraw its troops from Iraq." But he added that Iraq so far did not see such "political will" in the United States. [Iran must just love all this political in-fighting in Washington]. See you tommorrow!!!!
By Paul Richter, Times Staff Writer
December 10, 2006
NOTE: At this point in your political "evolution" you should have a clear understanding of the following article. Regarding, especially noteworthy terms, I took the liberity to BOLD...READ and Understand...this is a well crafted, objective view, in my subjective opinion...:)
WASHINGTON — Although the bipartisan commission on Iraq endorsed actions that the White House firmly opposed, President Bush said Saturday that the panel's report shared his chief goal for the country.
Bush, trying to shift his course on the war in a way that will win public backing [An attempt to change public opinion, the public holds a high degree of "intensity" on this issue, but is also confused...which translates into a low egree of "stability" Distribution seems to favor a major shift in policy re: Iraq, but there does not seem to be a consensus among the public about what the best course of action is at this point in the war], said in his weekly radio address that the Iraq Study Group "explicitly endorses the strategic goal we've set in Iraq: an Iraq that can 'govern itself, sustain itself and defend itself.' "
Some conservatives have attacked the report as defeatist. But Bush said the bipartisan panel also shared his concern that a quick U.S. departure could ignite more violence across the region. "The Iraq Study Group understands the urgency of getting it right in Iraq," he said.
The release of the report Wednesday has amplified criticism of the administration's policies and lent new momentum to calls for U.S. withdrawal from Iraq. Bush is now scrambling to develop an alternate course that aides say is likely to contain some features of the panel's report while maintaining many of the current U.S. commitments for the indefinite future.
The president said the two parties should seek a bipartisan consensus on Iraq policy, and sought to portray himself as in step with many of the fundamental messages produced by the commission's five Democrats and five Republicans.
Though the report described the situation in Iraq in far more dire terms than he or his chief aides have used, Bush said it "provides a straightforward picture of the grave situation we face in Iraq." He said he agreed with the panel's findings that the goal should be "an Iraq with a broadly representative government that maintains its territorial integrity [Which means no "three-state solution], is at peace with its neighbors, denies terrorism a sanctuary and doesn't brutalize its own people."
He cited its language that, "given the current situation in Iraq, achieving this goal will require much time and will depend primarily on the actions of the Iraqi people." Bush also highlighted the report's warning that a precipitate withdrawal would "almost certainly produce greater sectarian violence" and lead to "a significant power vacuum, greater human suffering, regional destabilization and a threat to the global economy."
Bush noted that he would hold highly visible meetings this week as he formulates a new approach that may be announced as early as next week. On Monday, Bush is to meet with academic and policy experts on Iraq, and hold a videoconference with military commanders.
Bush said he was confident that "we can move beyond our political differences and come together to achieve that victory." [An Olive Branch?]
He did not mention any differences in view between himself and the panel, which recommended withdrawal of nearly all 15 U.S. combat brigades by early 2008 and called for diplomatic initiatives with Iran and Syria.
But in a response to the radio address, the Democratic incoming chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said the group's report required an immediate shift of direction in Iraq.
Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-Texas) said the report "confirms what most of us have known for some time — that President Bush's policy of stay the course is not working. We need a new approach." He said the panel's report followed what some Democrats have been urging for months — shifting U.S. troops from combat to advisory roles.
Sen. Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, the incoming Senate Democratic whip, noted that at a meeting with lawmakers Friday, Bush didn't endorse the panel's findings. Durbin said that led him to question whether Bush would support the conclusions.
In Bahrain on Saturday, Iran's foreign minister addressed the report's recommendation for U.S.-Iranian talks by saying Tehran would take part only if the United States first announced a troop withdrawal.
"The first and most essential step … is the United States announce they have decided to withdraw from Iraq," Manouchehr Mottaki told reporters at a security conference.
He said that if the United States declared plans to do so, "Iran is ready to help the administration to withdraw its troops from Iraq." But he added that Iraq so far did not see such "political will" in the United States. [Iran must just love all this political in-fighting in Washington]. See you tommorrow!!!!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Saturday, December 9, 2006
QOD: "You are only as good as your last challenge." CPF 12/09/06
TPNS:(Reuters) - Tough sentencing laws, record numbers of drug offenders and high crime rates have contributed to the United States having the largest prison population and the highest rate of incarceration in the world, according to criminal justice experts.
Hey...get going on that polling project!!!!
or get fired up for the public opinion test on Wednesday...
Both "challenges"...
QOD: "You are only as good as your last challenge." CPF 12/09/06
TPNS:(Reuters) - Tough sentencing laws, record numbers of drug offenders and high crime rates have contributed to the United States having the largest prison population and the highest rate of incarceration in the world, according to criminal justice experts.
Hey...get going on that polling project!!!!
or get fired up for the public opinion test on Wednesday...
Both "challenges"...
Friday, December 08, 2006

Extra, all about it!!! From Reuters: The White House on Friday dismissed former Secretary of State James Baker's appeal that his Iraq recommendations be largely adopted as a whole and said President George W. Bush was considering various proposals for a change in course. [see the cartoon above :)]
QOD: "The only thing dumber in politics than choosing a fight that you don't need to fight; is choosing a fight that you can't win." Jay Carney [McLaughlin & Time]
TPNS: Commentary on the 2008 potential candiates...on the politcial spectrum.
Hey...Have a great time at that Winter Dance thingy, but be safe...
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Wow...what a mess...Three young men from Minnesota have died in Iraq over the last couple days.
On a positive note: Several students have submitted very professional and captivating surveys to me...
Also, Ryan Clark just received confirmation on his quest to enter the University of Minnesota...Yes!!!! Very NICE indeed.........
Extra TPNS: The United States should begin to withdraw forces from combat and launch a diplomatic push, including Iran and Syria, to prevent "a slide toward chaos" in Iraq, an elite panel recommended on Wednesday. That elite panel, which you learned about in my class several weeks ago, is composed of what McLaughlin has called, "The Pragmatists..." You heard it here first!!!!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Do you get it? English as a second language...the world is changing.
Get busy on that polling project...get busy applying to colleges...or get busy figuring out what ya gonna do next June...or I guess get busy watching the world pass you this world, there aint no room for slackers...
Let me know what your plans are...Mike Perich is looking at Saint Olaf. Saint Olaf is a great school...
NOTE: Seniors in my Honor Course--Polling Projects are due exactly ONE WEEK from today on December 12th, 2006...Note Arely Infelise is heading to California next school year to study art!!!! Yes, a wonderful young woman bound for the shores of the steely blue Pacific to study art...Art is one of the truly wonderful things about being human...
Below--A little "catch-up" on the Quotes and recents Top Political News Stories
December 1, 2006
QOD: “Whatever it is. I fear the Greeks even when they bring gifts.” –Virgil
TPNS: Washington Post: In the cacophony of competing plans about how to deal with Iraq, one reality appears clear: Despite the Democrats new mandate, the idea of a rapid US troop withdrawal is not a viable option, “You think it’s a civil war now…it's nothing compared to what would happen if we left.” – Tommy Franks
December 4, 2006
“KFC is going with a more realistic look. The new colonel… 350 lbs with huge scars from triple bypass.” Jay Leno
TPNS: New study reveals fast food in children’s hospitals sends a bad-lesson to little kids. Begin to equate KFC with getting better.
December 5, 2006
QOD: We have got to have a changein Iraq. We have to have someone who will speak the truth to power & not just tell the president what he wants to hear.. We need to cut out the “Group Think” that currently exists in the White House
TPNS: Pentagon nominee Gates (not bill, but BOB) to go before Senate Committee. Remember the Constitution allows the President to appoint a person to the position of Secretary of Defense, but only with the consent of the SENATE
Below--A little "catch-up" on the Quotes and recents Top Political News Stories
December 1, 2006
QOD: “Whatever it is. I fear the Greeks even when they bring gifts.” –Virgil
TPNS: Washington Post: In the cacophony of competing plans about how to deal with Iraq, one reality appears clear: Despite the Democrats new mandate, the idea of a rapid US troop withdrawal is not a viable option, “You think it’s a civil war now…it's nothing compared to what would happen if we left.” – Tommy Franks
December 4, 2006
“KFC is going with a more realistic look. The new colonel… 350 lbs with huge scars from triple bypass.” Jay Leno
TPNS: New study reveals fast food in children’s hospitals sends a bad-lesson to little kids. Begin to equate KFC with getting better.
December 5, 2006
QOD: We have got to have a changein Iraq. We have to have someone who will speak the truth to power & not just tell the president what he wants to hear.. We need to cut out the “Group Think” that currently exists in the White House
TPNS: Pentagon nominee Gates (not bill, but BOB) to go before Senate Committee. Remember the Constitution allows the President to appoint a person to the position of Secretary of Defense, but only with the consent of the SENATE
Monday, December 04, 2006

The Iraq War, like all wars, is violent and destructive...someday soon we, as earthlings, are going to have to figure out away to live in peace and to resolve the world's conflicts without the use of violence and destruction...or we are in BIG TROUBLE.......
Quote & TPNS: Both referred to the political calls for guidelines in the area of fast foods, nutrition (or lack thereof), and access to children...
Note: Kendra Waller just received word that she is accepted into CSS...And I believe that Katy Sunnaborg just got positive word from the College of Saint Thomas, as well...Two great schools for two highly talented and motivated young women!!!!!
Sunday, December 03, 2006

Yes....the above is a great cartoon..."the ability to laugh at one's situation is vital to a long life..." CPF 12/03/06
TPNS: UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said Iraq was in the grip of Civil War as US and Iraqi forces attacked insurgent bases in a bid to shore up the authority of a government itself riven by factional rivalries. Its weird to be an "eye-witness" to this monumental story as it unfolds in real time...Its unfortunate that few Americans realize the they live in a state of comfortable numbness...BUT NOT IN MY CLASS...:) Kudos to those students that are taking their education to heart and are clearly in charge of their learning!!!! Ryan Clark comes to mind...eight years from now, that kid could be a doctor...yeah, I can see it and I think he can too...pretty cool! Or Kayla Jenkins, forsenic psychologist...yeah I can see it, for sure. Or even Nate Lewis, documentary film maker, seems possible, but only if he goes for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Six hours on the bike this weekend...all on back country trails, all in the early morning, frosty pre-dawn hours, all solo, and all with an eye on the prize...The Arrowhead 135 Ultra-endurance Mountain Bike Race begins two months from today!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, December 01, 2006

Get Busy crafting thos polling questions!!!!
QOD: "Be cautious of the Greeks bearing gifts." or something like is from the ancient Greek historian, Virgil, regarding the Trojan's reminded me of the suspicious tendencies that much of the rest of the world (especially emerging powers) now holds towards American interventions...On reflection and in relation to our current topic of public opinion, personally, I hold a high "intensity" in terms of our situation in the Middle East and yet my views are not at all "stable." In other words, I am very much absorded into the story that is unfolding in Iraq and yet I am not at sure about how it will all play out. And if I could have somekind of influence, I don't know really what I would do...perhaps this uncertainty goes all the way to the it goes.
Hope you are having a great weekend:)