Tuesday, December 12, 2006

December 12, 2006
Late breaking news from Reuters: More than half of the respondents, or 55 percent, in a USA Today/Gallup poll said they want most U.S. troops withdrawn within a year, but only 18 percent believe that will happen.

An ABC News poll found seven in 10 Americans disapproved of Bush's handling of Iraq and 61 percent said the war there was not worth fighting.

In the USA Today/Gallup survey, three out of four of those polled said they supported the three major recommendations made by the panel: direct talks with Iran and Syria, withdrawing most U.S. combat troops by March 2008 and a new push aimed at resolving the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

Interesting information...start finishing up those polling projects!!!Or prepare for Thursday's exams on Public Opinion and aspects of The Tipping Point