Monday, October 23, 2006

October 23, 2006
Political Science: American Govt...
QOD: Disarming militias is a political decision, not a military one, but who is going to make it.” A senior political advisor to the Prez. Currently there are more than 20 different militias battling it out just in Baghdad!!!!

TPNS: Iraq vital to the world’s future… The US cannot just pull-up and leave, the stakes are too high.

McLaughlin Group: Issue #1: "Happy Daze are here again" for the Democrats...experts contend that the Democrats could win majorities in both the House of Representatives and even the Senate...two weeks and one day until the national elections.

Issue #2: The Iraqi War weighs heavy on the GOP.
Issue #3: What to do about the ever increasing congestion on America's highways?

We also began the important process of working through Exam II...Note: Appeals are due on Monday, October 30