Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Short week coming up!!!! So little time and so much to learn!!! In any event, most of the seniors have a test tomorrow on the major aspects of the US Constitution, plus top political news stories and major topics covered on the McLaughlin Group...I had a fruitful, albeit ultimately frustrating weekend of cyclo-cross racing. As many of you know the hamstring or maybe the better term is "ham-thread" inside my right leg is in tough shape, but I had a big race this Saturday, and since I ain't gettin' any younger, I was not about to not race at a home-town event. On Saturday, I stretched for an hour even before I started my forty minute warm-up, in an effort to get my leg loose enough to get me through the sixty minute race. Also, I taped it up real my opinion the actual physical benefits of using athletic tape are minimal, but I like to use tape because it is a constant reminder that you are hurt and to not get even more anyway, the race was going great, the leg hurt but not too much and I was hammerin' nails, feeling strong, puttin' it down, mashin' the pedals...with one lap to go I was in the lead pack of just three, way out ahead of the rest and feeling like I could win it...with about seven minutes to go and approaching the section of the course that favors my strengths, I got a flat tire...boom!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO & itz over, just like that...I walk the bike in to the finish, in last it goes....