Tuesday, October 31, 2006

October 31, 2006
Quotes of the day: “Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.” Mark Twain

“Global warming is an inconvenient truth, so most of us simply don’t think about it, while others deny it.” Al Gore [a paraphrase from his book, An Inconvenient Truth]

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his NOT understanding it.” Upton Sinclair [the political of global warming…]

TPNS: On election day, next Tuesday, Texas voters have the opportunity to vote up or down the construction of thirty ‘traditional’ [1950’s style] coal burning plants. Polls indicate that most Texans support the construction as it means cheaper [short-term] energy and more job growth…so it goes, while the young children wheeze from their asthma and other respiratory ailments…cpf

Today we begin a thought-provoking, insightful discussion of OUR Civil Liberties, coupled with a quick review of our ever expanding and ever more exciting POLITICAL LEXICON...

Note: below are several quotes and top political news stories...so as to update the site.

October 25, 2006
QOD: “with the fall of Hussein, Bremer set off to Baghdad to build a new nation and to plant democracy. One year later, he was forced to leave in secret, the most dangerous place on earth.” Frontline

TPNS: Bush administration assumed reinvigorating Iraqi oil industry would pay for most of the cost of reconstruction so far this has proven to be a false assumption. –Wall Street Journal

October 26, 2006
QOD: “ How do you know what you don’t know?.. Well you quit pretending and you start contending, and you quit spectating and you start educating yourself.

TPNS: New census numbers just published:25% of the pop, has a bachelor degree.
People with bachelors degree earn over twice just a High school grad, and like there job
10X more.

TPNS: UK recommended pollution trading to curb global warming.

Monday, October 30, 2006

October 30, 2006

As has been the case in recent weeks, the war in Iraq has dominated the McLaughlin Group. Today, the panel discussed the politics of semantics regarding Iraq. What does the President mean when he says he is for "benchmarks" but against "timelines?" The group all agree that the war in Iraq is not going well and thus politically manifests itself as a positive for the Democrats and a negative for the GOP come next Tuesday.

Start reading and understanding Chapter 4!!!!
See ya tomorrow in class...I am really starting to like the class of 2007, seriously...

QOD: [a paraphase] The science is undeniable, we have a huge problem on our hands and its Global Warming and it is not going to go away, in fact it is going to continually get worse...the problem is here and now." Tony Blair

TPNS: United Kingdom has chosen to take a proactive, leadership role in attempting to deal with Global Warming. The idea is based on this notion of Pollution Units that could be bought and sold or traded, based on supply and demand...the idea is that we must as a global community agree to the premise that we must limit our pollution output...more on this later...pollution in the form of Global Warming is real and will cause serious problems in our life time...no question about it...If you disagree, you are fooling yourself.
October 30, 2006
Hey!!! Get busy reading Chapter 4 for government and Chapter 16 for Sociology...more later tonight...stay tuned!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

American Government
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

QOD: "Good company and good discourse are the very sinew of intellectual progression." Izaak Walton. I wholeheartedly agree with Mr. Walton!!!

TPNS: The Bush Administration reviews its "political lexicon." The story went on to explain how the Bush Administration will stop using the term "stay the course" when discussing to the media/public the war in Iraq. They will continue to use the terms "sectarian violence", "insurgency." New words to be focused upon include "constitutional democracy" & "federalism." Off limits is the term "Civil War." I discussed with the classes the implications of these changes. Also, I noted the power of words...see 16 Habits of highly successful people. Being able to communicate effectively #6 and #9 respectly.

The majority of the class time was spent going over Exam II. Appeals are due October 30th...NOTE: I will NOT under any circumstances accept appeals after October 30th.

Monday, October 23, 2006

"America, with all it's faults is still a great place to be...embrace it and try and make it better...if for no other reason than for our children" cpfarrow
October 23, 2006
Political Science: American Govt...
QOD: Disarming militias is a political decision, not a military one, but who is going to make it.” A senior political advisor to the Prez. Currently there are more than 20 different militias battling it out just in Baghdad!!!!

TPNS: Iraq vital to the world’s future… The US cannot just pull-up and leave, the stakes are too high.

McLaughlin Group: Issue #1: "Happy Daze are here again" for the Democrats...experts contend that the Democrats could win majorities in both the House of Representatives and even the Senate...two weeks and one day until the national elections.

Issue #2: The Iraqi War weighs heavy on the GOP.
Issue #3: What to do about the ever increasing congestion on America's highways?

We also began the important process of working through Exam II...Note: Appeals are due on Monday, October 30

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sunday, October 22, 2006
We had a great weekend camping over in the Porcupine State Park, located in the UP of Michigan...Tomorrow,itz the McLaughlin Group!!!! Plus at the end of the hour I will hand back Test #2...on Tuesday, we can discuss the test, etc...Below is a brief recap of the issues discussed on the McLaughlin Group last week

Issue #2: Roughing Up Rummy
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was asked by a reporter if he bore any responsibility for what has gone wrong in Iraq, or is it all General Casey's fault? Rumsfeld snapped back: “Oh, this is a question that gets asked every time there's a press conference. You know, "Give me all your sevens. Tell us what you've done wrong." Why do we have to keep going through this? Of course I bear responsibility. My Lord, I'm secretary of Defense. Write it down. Quote it. You can bank it.”

Issue #3: Family Values
"The term has been a registered trademark of the GOP for years, a bludgeon against Democrats who, by implication, oppose families and have no values. Like most political language, it's a code. Family values means the pol in question has God on speed-dial, and the pol can be counted upon to oppose gun control and the so-called homosexual agenda and abortion, while pushing schools to teach, as Tina Fey once put it, Adam and Eve rode to church on dinosaurs. For all its policy implications, though, family values has always had a larger meaning. It was an implicit promise to white, non-ethnic, rural or suburban-dwelling, church-going Christian moms and dads that the party would always do the right thing." So wrote Leonard Pitts, Jr. in his column in the Miami Herald.

Issue #1: You Make Me “il”
North Korea has sent tremors throughout the world. It announced that it had exploded its first nuclear bomb in an underground site some 250 miles northeast of Pyongyang. The detonation was weak, registering a low 4.2 on the Richter scale, with only one kiloton of explosive force, so anemic as to leave some scientists to believe that the blast was faulty. President George Bush deplored the test and said the U.S. reserves its options: “The United States remains committed to diplomacy. The United States also reserves all options to defend our friends and our interests in the region against the threats from North Korea.”

Issue #4: It's the Economy Still, Stupid
Despite the sea of troubles threatening to capsize Republican control of Congress in the midterm elections, there is one bright spot on the GOP horizon: the economy. Democrats want us to think that we're heading into a recession because of plunging home prices and high oil prices. Well, baloney. Energy prices are plummeting. Interest rates have leveled off. A soft landing for housing is likely. Unemployment is down. And the deficit forecast was cut in half. Despite this plethora of positive news, a Washington Post/ABC poll shows, by a 17-point margin, voters trust Democrats over Republicans to handle the economy.

Issue #2 continued....Course Correction
“If the plan is now not working, the plan that's in place isn't working, America needs to adjust. I completely agree,” so said President George Bush in a Rose Garden press conference about the White House’s Iraq policy. It was a watershed moment. Staying the course is out. Correcting the course is in. And the degree of correction is like north versus south. General George Casey, the U.S. top commander in Iraq, gave the reason for the reversal: “We shouldn't try to sugar-coat this. The levels of violence over the last few weeks are as high as they have been.” The Brits also want to pull out.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Bike racing...keeps a man's intellect sharp!
October 17, 2006
American Government
QOD: a paraphase ~God favors the nation with the biggest artillery... by General Patton
TPNS: North Korea...seems adamant about obtaining nukes at all costs...North Korea denounced UN sanctions over its nuclear test as a declaration of war on Tuesday and the United States and others suspected it might try a second bomb test despite international condemnation. Currently there are eight nations that have the ability to launch nuclear weapons...sick! They are: USA, Great Britain, France, India, Pakistan, Israel, Russia, China...and of course Iran wants to obtain a nuclear arsenal as do many other nations. Like the words of the four star general implies (see the above QOD)the idea is that in order to be "a player" in the world of politics many world leaders believe one must have nukes as a bargaining chip. Of course this is very worrisome, but in my opinion, the most serious danger lies in the very real possibility that one of these "rogue" nations would sell the nukes to a terrorist group, like al Qaeda. Or that one of these nations, like Pakistan, [or even Russia] will simply implode and fall into chaos...A situation that would allow the opportunist to steal or sell the nukes...Peace through strength--I have my doubts and history is on my side. Austin, who is an intelligent lad, ask me the obvious question...[a question that does not often get asked]Why is North Korea doing this? I told him that in my view there are essentially two options or rationales behind their defiance and committment to getting a nuclear arsenal. Option #1: They are hoping to get nukes so that they can deal with us and the rest of Team Nukes in a manner that works with this sorta "rational" notion of you don't hit me and I won't hit you or Mutually Assured Destruction Doctrine...the idea being something like this: I have a huge, lethal, and tested gun pointed at you and you have a huge, lethal, and tested gun pointed at me. If I pull the trigger, then you instanteously pull the trigger...and therefore the reasoning goes that I am not crazy and you are not crazy...so we are not going to pull the triggers, so we will have to work out our differences using some other strategy other than military force...so it goes. Option #2: The political leadership of North Korea is INSANE and therefore willing to commit societal suicide...
McLaughlin's number one issue pertained to the politics of the current nuclear "crisis" involving North Korea's provocative move to continue pushing towards a nuclear arsenal...Buchanan sez that we must establish "bilateral" talks. This means simply to actively pursue a dialogue between just the Bush administration and the ruling regime of North Korea. I told the classes that this is a very dangerous situation...not unlike the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 1960s...in some respects. Issue #2: The Bush Administration's new strategy regarding the war in Iraq. What to do as military leaders in both the UK and the USA are starting to publically question the "stay the course" strategy. The idea of trying to police a full blown civil war in Iraq is not a rosy scenario...Issue #3: Should Rumsfeld go?

I will most probably have the tests done by tommorrow...I will try! I promise...

Monday, October 16, 2006

October 16, 2006

American Government
QOD "A life NOT tested is a life NOT worth living."
TPNS: California leads nation in "Green" proposals, while Texas is last...go figure :)

Sociology--big test tomorrow!!!!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Short week coming up!!!! So little time and so much to learn!!! In any event, most of the seniors have a test tomorrow on the major aspects of the US Constitution, plus top political news stories and major topics covered on the McLaughlin Group...I had a fruitful, albeit ultimately frustrating weekend of cyclo-cross racing. As many of you know the hamstring or maybe the better term is "ham-thread" inside my right leg is in tough shape, but I had a big race this Saturday, and since I ain't gettin' any younger, I was not about to not race at a home-town event. On Saturday, I stretched for an hour even before I started my forty minute warm-up, in an effort to get my leg loose enough to get me through the sixty minute race. Also, I taped it up real good...in my opinion the actual physical benefits of using athletic tape are minimal, but I like to use tape because it is a constant reminder that you are hurt and to not get even more hurt...so anyway, the race was going great, the leg hurt but not too much and I was hammerin' nails, feeling strong, puttin' it down, mashin' the pedals...with one lap to go I was in the lead pack of just three, way out ahead of the rest and feeling like I could win it...with about seven minutes to go and approaching the section of the course that favors my strengths, I got a flat tire...boom!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO & itz over, just like that...I walk the bike in to the finish, in last place...so it goes....

Thursday, October 12, 2006

October 12, 2006

American Government: I have a granted a stay of execution…in that the test covering the Constitution, etc… is moved to Monday, in an act of benevolence by your fearless leader.

QOD: “Treason against the US, shall consist only of levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.” Article III of the United States Constitution.

TPNS: Videos prompt TREASON charge for a Southern California man. His tirades gave ‘aid and comfort’ to Al Qaeda.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

October 11, 2006
American Government: I was gone today...with the Knowledge Bowl Team. You, the students, were afforded the opportunity to yet again prepare for Friday's Test...The sub, Ms. Kari Krause (a former student of mine), was instructed to distribute another handout of relevant political terms to assist you in preparing for Friday's challenge. Get busy!!!!

QOD: "Don't worry too much about all those crazy numbers, nobody around here really knows what's going on." Prez. Ronald Reagan to Allan Volker regarding the US economy.

Top Political News Story: The United States met resistance from China on Wednesday as it stepped up efforts for a UN vote by the end of the week on tough sanctions against North Korea for its reported nuclear test. North Korean leadership...is that an oxymoron?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

October 10, 2006
QOD: “Democracies cannot dispense with the tyranny of the majority anymore than dictators can with cynicism and contempt for the majority.” George Shaw

TPNS: Lost on the road to democracy- Burma’s ruling junta today reconvened its “constitution drafting” convention: Many issues that need to be resolved mirror those confronted by the framers of the US Constitution.

Big test on Friday...Prepare!!!!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday, October 9th, 2006

Announcement for American Government students: Big Test on Friday

Make sure and re-read with focus the chapter on The Constitution...make sure and really focus on the terms and on the notes positioned in the margins. Its a well written, easy to understand chapter...get busy reading and reviewing or get busy preparing to FAIL this test!!!!
Expect and plan for questions related to the following terms/concepts:
limited government,self-government, rationale behind the Declaration of Independence, weaknesses inherent within the original Articles of Confederation, know a little bit about Shays's Rebellion, The Great Compromise, North-South Compromise, Anti-federalists versus Federalists, separation of powers, checks & balances, The system of Checks and Balances [see pages 54 & 55 in your text], Bill of Rights, Judicial Review, Marbury v. Madison, Habeus Corpus, republic, "tranny of the majority", pure or direct democracy, Electoral College, Amendments to the Constitution, The Progresives [see pages 63 & 65], Constitutional democracy...also review your notes on Top Political News Stories, and Quotes of the Day...

Sociology: Big Test on Chapter 3 on Thursday...read the chapter, do the website review, do the practice test and prepare for SUCCESS!
October 9, 2006

QOD: “It will be like in America, where everybody thinks he has the right to own a gun.” Zhang Liangui [Political Scientist from China]

TPNS: defiant North Korea conducts nuclear test…

American government: Huge test on friday!!!!!!!!!!!
October 9, 2006

QOD: “It will be like in America, where everybody thinks he has the right to own a gun.” Zhang Liangui [Political Scientist from China]

TPNS: defiant North Korea conducts nuclear test…

American government: Huge test on friday!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Dear Dedicated Students: Above is a pic of your committed teacher taking it to a man nearly half his age at a recent Cyclo-Cross race held on Saturday, October 6th. Actually, the sad truth is that I started well and even lead the race for the first half or so, but "fell apart" toward the end of the race and finshed in 7th place in a field of about 30 racers. Yet, I tried hard and did about as well as possible, considering this race in Milaca represents my 20th race of the season. My legs are starting to feel the weight of the fatigue that comes with the end of the long racing season and most probably only have one or two races left in them before they start an all out rebellion. I plan to rest in the second half of November and start training hard again in December. Can anyone ask anymore? Get fired up for the BIG TEST on Chapter 2...involving aspects of the Constitution, current political news, current political lexicon, and aspects of McLaughlin. The week shapes up as follows: Monday: McLaughlin; Tuesday & Wednesday: Computer lab working on the Text website; Thursday ? (I need to think about this); Friday: Review for test. Test will be on Tuesday the following week....Itz gonna be a great week!!!

Friday, October 06, 2006

October 6, 2006
QOD: “If a person is determined to fight to the death, then they may very have the opportunity.” Donald Rumsfeld on Iraq “resistance Fighters”

TPNS: Secretary of State C. Rice meets with Kurdish leaders in Iraq… Note: Kurds, in the future, want an independent state… They live in the northern aspect of Iraq (where the oil is)and currently they are enjoying relative stability. They are a separate "people" from the Sunni and Shitte muslems. The northern region of Iraq is composed mainly of Kurds. Their region and their political aspirations further complicate the War in Iraq.

American Government: Get Ready for a BIG TEST on the Constitution in your near future.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

October 5, 2006
QOD: “This Constitution and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the Judges in every state shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.” Article Six of US Constitution...this is huge and it gives the Feds incredible power...the only thing that "slows" it down a bit is the 10th Amendment...

TPNS: OPEC to cut output by million barrels per day (oil has fallen by 25% since July. OPEC consists of 11 countries. Saudi Arabia is the #1 oil exporter in the world. OPEC is a Cartel, albeit “corrupt” one...more on this later.
American Government: In class, we continue to work through the practice test.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

October 4, 2006
QOD: “The Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order… to prevent abuse of its powers, that further restrictive clauses should be added.” The document goes on to say “…Articles [all 7 of them] in addition to the ten amendments” have been ratified and made into the law of the land…from the First Congress, March 4, 1778

TPNS: Supreme Court may eventually be pressured to take on 1st amendment issues and email amid “Foley Debacle”
American Government:
Terms to know, so far—Civil Disobedience, natural rights, social contract, eminent domain, Stare Decisis [the decision stands, basis of legal precedence as used as the guideline for judging legal cases], bicameral congress, tenth amendment, presidential veto, congressional override, checks and balances, federalism, separation of power, 1st amendment and the “clear and present danger” standard, supremacy clause, “the slavery question” within the context of the adoption of the US Constitution, The Great Compromise [V.P. + N.J. P.= G.C.], necessary and proper clause, Preamble…

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

American Government

October 3, 2006
Working through last year's exam on the Constitution: Today I really tried to emphasize the scope and significance of the 10th Amendment [Reserve Clause]. The following constitutional terms/concepts were also covered: Separation of Powers and example of separation of powers in practice, Federalism, notion of Natural Rights,etc...more super exciting constitutional issues await us for TOMMORROW!!!!

Sociology: Continued on this fascinating discussion related to Culture. Ethnocentrism, cultural relativism, xenocentrism, formal and informal sanctions, subcultures and countercultures, etc.
October 2, 2006
QOD: “I am who I am." "A person is a person, no matter how small.” Dr. Seuss [aka Ted Geisel]…conveyed to the students the political context of some of Dr. Seuss work. Also, discussed the importance of life, the essential sanctity of life, amid all the death and destruction that we are exposed to on a daily basis.
TPNS: FBI looking into Congressmen Foley (House of Rep. GOP from Florida) involving underage boys and email. Where have all the role models gone?

McLaughlin Group: Today on McLaughlin: Issues included—1. Commentary on the political significance of a National Intelligence report on the current state of global terrorism, part of was released to the press last week. 2. Commentary on Bill Clinton’s angry interview on Fox last week pertaining to the failure to “kill” Bin Laden. 3. Quick reference to Tony Snow’s efforts to get Republicans out to vote in November. Mr. Snow is the new, charismatic spokesperson for the White House.

Issue #1: In general the report concludes that the War in Iraq has had the effect of increasing global “jihadists.” Also, that to pull out of Iraq in the near future would have the effect of bolstering the confidence of the terrorists…looks like a “catch 22” to me. Issue #2: Alpha Bill: Commentary on the political implications of former President Bill Clinton’s ranting on Fox News.

October 3, 2006
QOD: “In the field of world politics I would dedicate this nation to a policy of the good neighbor.” FDR 1932

TPNS: President Bush (applauds Congressional bill “Iran support Act”)and signed the bill into law. The bill involves a set of sanctions targeting foreign countries that continue “nuclear cooperation” with Iran…Commentary, tricky diplomacy and the bill is largely symbolic as most sacntions of this sort have very little practical effect.

Today: We begin in earnest the study of the United States Constitution and other related topics...You should be well into Chapter 2. Test on Chapter 2 next Thursday

Sociology: Working through Chapter 3. Culture; an interesting discussion yesterday on Culture with an emphasis on Political labels