Sunday, March 04, 2007

What ya need to know:
What is the Iraq Study Group [ISG]
Know the distribution of Religious groups--be able to label on a map
Know where the Anbar Province is on the map.
Whatz going on in the Anbar Province?
Know the overview map of the region
What groups constitute “the enemy”
What groups can we work with?
What groups are inherently countercultural and therefore must be marginalized
Be able to comment at a reasonable academic level on the following:
Sunni insurgency
Shiite militias
Al Qaeda, how many in Iraq, where are they most active…whatz their role in the violence and chaos?
The criminal element…whatz their role in the violence and chaos?
Sectarian violence
External jihad versus internal jihad
According to the ISG, why we cannot just “jump ship” call it a bad mistake and get on with the mega-sales at WalMart J
Iran’s interests and role in the current violence
Saudi Arabia’s and Egypt’s role…
What do the Kurds want? Really what do they what?
Who is al-Sadr and the Mahdi Army
How many troops do we have on the ground in Iraq
What is deBathification?
Badr Brigade…affiliated with whom?
Whatz “Sadr City”
What is the significance of Kirkuk
more to come...