Friday, September 29, 2006

September 29, 2006
QOD: “Like so many aging college professors, he had long since ceased to notice the existence of students on campus.”-Vladimir Nabokov –novelist

TPNS: US Senate (65 voted-yes/34 voted-no) passes Compromise “terror detainee” Bill. It is seen as a major victory for the President. The Bill passed through the House of Representatives on Thursday. Now the President can sign it into law. But remember the federal courts hold significant power as well in what is referred to as "Judicial Review." The Courts could declare the law to be "unConstitutional" Many Democrats say passing the bill is throwing 200 years of basic rights out the window.

Ms. Sullivan and Ms. Bergstedt: "Is there life after ESKO?" These two "national treasures" contain a wealth of vitally important information related to post-graduation opportunities. Seriously, take advantage of these two well connected and committed professionals, they are two of the best...make sure and visit the careers office and Ms. Sullivan's office in the near future...Or get ready to seat back and watch the world pass you by!!!!!!!!