Thursday, September 14, 2006

September 14, 2006
QOD: “Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people.” Thomas Jefferson. I used the quote to comment on this notion of "Jeffersonian Democracy" whereby the rationale for public funding of "public schools" stems from the idea that one does not want to give over political power to a mob of idiots that have had no exposure to [or understanding of or instruction in] the basic principals that form our unique brand of "constitutional" "representative" democracy. Also, our system and interpretation of the rules that govern our systems are always in a constant state of change [progression or digression, depending on ones perspective] I also commented on the fact that this notion of jeffersonian democracy is sorely lacking in Iraq...the exportation of our political system to a foreign nation that has been ravaged by dictators for decades is a daunting task.

TPNS: Bush to go to “Capital Hill” to rally GOP. Used this top new stories to give a quick lesson on the basic structure of the US Constitution.